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Can I move Softphone to ring after deskphone?

  • 3 February 2021
  • 3 replies

I want to be able to have my deskphone ring first, then if I don't it moves to my softphone app on my phone. But I am unable to move the softphone to anything other than 1. This really restricts the usage of the entire app and adds a level of annoyance.

Please let me know how to fix this, or change it in the next update.

3 replies

Many of us RC customers fully agree with you Ryan and have been asking for this functionality for a long time - hopefully it comes soon. There are a couple of work-arounds that some of us are using currently. For the most relevant one(s) can you first confirm: is your "deskphone" an RC voip connected phone to your RC line or just a landline phone that is being forwarded to?

Userlevel 4

Hello, please vote for this feature here.

We are RC Voip phones
