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Clarification regarding TCR opt-in/out and enabled numbers

  • 23 February 2023
  • 1 reply

I've been reading through the forum questions and information on the various RingCentral pages and am still somewhat confused. In the TCR business registration checklist, it states the following: You must have consent from customers to receive an SMS before you can register with TCR. Otherwise, your application will be rejected. We are local government, currently using high-volume SMS to remind people of court dates and other information regarding court appearances. It isn't possible for us to identify and obtain consent from individuals who may receive a ticket in the future prior to registering with TCR. Is that information incorrect?

I am also not clear on how to register our city numbers. I read in the FAQ's "we require just your main business and support numbers. RingCentral will move all your existing numbers under your new TCR brand ID and SMS campaign." However, on other pages of the website it's indicated that any numbers not registered will lose sms capabilities. Which is correct?

In addition to court communications, we message passport customers, employees, and the occasional 1-off sms. All but the court sms are sent by individual employees as needed. Do I need to set up separate campaigns for each use case and list the specific numbers that will be sending messages? With the exception of court, the majority of the messages sent are conversational, answering questions or providing information. I'm not sure what type of 'sample' messages to include in the registration for those cases.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

@Kelli Ryan Consent is usually collected when you ask on your website or some other form if you are able to text the customer/user for whatever reason, i.e. Jury Duty, court dates, etc.
This form or documentation is what you would provide when registering with TCR.

As far as registration for your city numbers, focus on the main and support numbers.
We will move the numbers under your new TCR Brand ID.
The other pages, I think are just attempting to put urgency around the main numbers not being registered and losing access to SMS altogether.

For campaigns, this piece from the
FAQ might be helpful:
A campaign lets us know how you're using your phone numbers to send SMS. A company will typically have only one brand ID but may have several campaign IDs, depending on its SMS usage. For example, if the medical facility Acme Healthcare wants to send appointment reminders to its end customers via SMS, the campaign ID for that usage would be “appointment reminders.”

I might suggest reviewing the FAQ to see if it can address any further questions.
And please share any additional questions here, if they should pop up or shoot us an email at
