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Glip Calendar Subscription link broken

  • 26 March 2020
  • 5 replies

My Glip Calendar Subscription link stopped working last week, is anyone else having this problem?

5 replies

Userlevel 4
Hello David!

We have not heard of the same issue. Can you try to uninstall/reinstall your Glip App?
I am getting this error

MINE DOES THE SAME THING!  Support said it's a known problem and nothing they can do for me????

I was told that this was going to be fixed by the end of July but it still doesn't work for me and they won't respond to my open case in support. Any ideas from anyone else? What have you heard?

I still don't have this ability either. It is so disappointing and frustrating. We are really thinking about moving away from RC due to this issue among some others that we are not happy hasn't happened yet, especially with calendar options.
