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Glip Error: Too Many Requests Recently Sent. Try Again Later.

Some of our users are getting the error message 'Too Many Requests Recently Sent. Try Again Later.' at the top of their Glip.

Currently it seems to be about half of our users seeing this.

What does this relate to, and how can we resolve this?

15 replies

Our users also are getting this error message. Very upset employees worried about holding their scheduled meetings this morning.  What's going on RingCentral?
Userlevel 4
Hi All,

Are you using the new RingCentral app or the classic one?
Hi Mary,
Our users were accessing Glip through a web browser, switching to Classic seems to have removed the error message.
Can you please confirm what it relates to so we can be in a more informed position if it appears again?
Userlevel 4
Thank you for letting us know. I will check on our end if there's any problem with it at this time.
Using the Classic desktop app here. I've been in contact with support this morning.  Also, the Service Status dashboard indicates this is a known issue for the classic version. I uninstalled and reinstalled the classic app, but the error persists. We're able to use the standalone desktop Meetings app without this problem.
I also had a user who was getting the same error when trying to use the classic RingCentral app and the new RingCentral App
Same now.
I have a user using classic app that is having the same issue,  it doesn't seem to be agency wide.  Any update on the status?

I've been late to the last (3) meetings I've schedule because of this problem and can not seem to find a solution.  Has anyone been able to find a work around?

Kevin, you are so correct that it doesn't make sense. This issue (too many requests) keeps popping up with our users as well.  It's sporadic, but a pain when it happens. We had all users download the standalone RC Meeting apps onto their desktops and phones. And, we had them download the standalone RC Phone to desktops and phones because the new unified app just is not ready for prime time yet. It lacks features and functions of the older apps. It has been a disappointment to us on a number of fronts. Fingers are crossed that RC is listening and working on it.
It's not a "new" unified app problem -- same issue happened in the Classic RC app.  It's a platform problem.

I was referring to the Classic RC app in comparison to the standalone Phone and Meeting apps.  We're very new to RC. My frame of reference is limited by that. My impression was the Classic app is a relatively recent thing, with a newer version just now coming online since we joined a few months ago.  Neither of them meet our expectations at this point.
I'm having the same issue with the RC Classic app
I reloaded the Ring Central Meetings app and using the older version it works just fine.  My recommendation to everyone having problems is to stop using the RC Classic app.  
Aye, the individual function apps (RC Phone, RC Meetings, Glip) continue to serve their purposes.  But as the RC (unified) app is meant to replace these, the features that *have* been implemented should work.
