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Glip - what is the order that documents are faxed through Glip?

  • 30 March 2019
  • 9 replies

Hello, I am new to the Community.

How does a user control the order in which documents are faxed through Glip when attaching the documents? I thought that the pages were faxed in the order that they were attached... but now I have multiple examples where that is not the case.

Thank you.

9 replies

Hey Robert, could you provide details about what it looks like? For instance, if the cover page ending up at the end of the fax instead of the beginning?
Getting you the examples, stand by.

This is the a picture of the order that the documents were attached for faxing:

This is the order the documents actually were faxed:
1.  Cover sheet
2.  Compare DS3
3.  Letterhead
4.  Pri vs

Is it alphabetical?

Thank you.

So am I, lol! So, if you send it, does it stay in that order?
The order that the files are attached is not the order they end up being sent.
Your "Open Case" button does not work.
Well, I'm going to say we should have our Support Team look into this. Please open a case and include the screen shots you shared.

Another example...

Picture of the order that the files were attached:

Actual order they were faxed:
1.  Cover sheet
2.  Letterhead
3.  Compare DS3
4.  PRI vs

Now I am really confused.

Thank you.
Oh no! Thanks for letting me know :)

You can go here
