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Help with apps

  • 12 June 2019
  • 1 reply

I have a remote user who has not downloaded any of the RC apps. He needs both phone and meetings capabilities. Does he need to download both RC phone and RC meetings or just RC app? We do not have glip service available.

1 reply

Hey Susan! Did they need the mobile or desktop app? Currently our Product Team is working on creating a unified application so that you won't have this type of conundrum ;) It's still in development and will take some time. However, they are working on getting all functionality into the mobile application first - you can read more about it on this thread. The next thing the Product Team will tackle is the desktop app, no ETA on that just yet.

So I would suggest the RC app and Meetings if they're going to be using their computer. And the RC app if they're going to be using mobile. 
