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How can I get my Outlook calendar to sync with Glip?

  • 29 August 2019
  • 9 replies

I want to get my Outlook calendar to sync with Glip, so that Glip will automatically set my availability based on meetings I have in my Outlook calendar.

9 replies

Hey Cloksin,

Simply have this setting up and it should work!

This did not work.  All this did is give me a "my Calendar" and a teams calendar.  There is nothing jumping out at me to actually connect to my Outlook calendar.
Calendar Connections - manage your calendar connections to Office 365 and Google.

When I click on the manage button I get two options, office 365 calendar and google calendar.  If I click on the connect button I get a black window with a spinning circle and text that says please wait.  It does this for about 5 minutes and then tells me it could not connect.

It never asks me for credentials to actually access a calendar, so there is no way it will ever connect to anything.
After talking to my sales rep, it looks like this is a beta feature, and not available to the general public yet.
Hi All!  Ability to sync Outlook Office 365 calendar with the app is now officially released on the desktop and web app.  Just click on the "Meet" page in the bottom left navigation and set up your calendar.  The presence will sync automatically.

PS: We also support Google Calendar too! :)

Best always,
Why is outlook not showing up on the mobile app.  I was able to integrate on the desktop, but it is not showing my work e-mail on the mobile side
Its not working to me as well, After enterign my outlook365 account credentials its giving me this error {
  "error" : "unexpected HTTP status: 404 Not Found",    "service" : "CIS"  

Hi, I am getting errors in the same area, but different result. When I try to connect to Outlook Calendar I get a popup RC Window "Signing in to your account" with this error:
{    "errors" : [ {      "errorCode" : "CIN-106",      "message" : "External error: [MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI] REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox.",      "externalCode" : "MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI",      "externalMessage" : "REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox"    } ] 

Support has had this for two weeks and no real response yet.
What options do you have under the Calendar section?
