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How do I auto send calls to Voicemail when I'm on another call?

  • 13 January 2021
  • 8 replies

I do training calls and when I'm on these calls I don't want to be interrupted by other calls coming in. How do I auto send calls to voicemail when I'm already on a call? I use the mobile app on a tablet exclusively.

8 replies

Good afternoon Kelsi,

You can select BUSY (or DND // Do Not Disturb) as your availability in the top right corner of the desktop app. This will activate your calls going directly to your VM.

Give it a try. Feel free to let me know how it works out for you!


Userlevel 3
Badge +1

You're the best, Wendy!

Is there an automatic setting so that when I am in a meeting incoming calls will go AUTOMATICALLY to voice mail so I don't have to use the DND?

Wendy, is there anyway to do this automatically? I may not always remember to do this.

Would be really useful to our ContactCenter folks if we could set their extension to only accept one call and forward additional calls to voicemail. That would stop all of the interruptions, and they wouldn't need to remember to turn on and off the DND or Busy buttons.

I believe a feature that can be set up on each persons line would be helpful where they can send calls to VM if they are on a call.

This is a pretty standard feature in most phone systems (sending calls to VM automatically when on another call). It's not really practical to have to turn DND on and off every few minutes all day. Please move this feature to the top of the developer list!


The majority of our staff use desk phones. Having to access the app each time they want to make a call doesn't seem to be very efficient. What options do we have? Putting the desk phone on DND still allows the call to ring through.

Why is it that when you put your desk phone on DND the status isn't pushed to the app?

Thank you
