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iOS Mobile app contacts on lock screen broken

  • 23 February 2019
  • 3 replies

My iOS RC Phone app does not consistently display caller's contacts while the phone is locked.

The contacts are in my phone, and sometimes they display on the lock screen, but usually not. Today my support agent, Martin Vincent J , told me that 3rd party apps may not communicate with contacts while the phone is asleep. I find this hard to swallow because I've used the Bria app with a SIP phone and it worked 100% (displayed the contact name on the lock screen).

I've had two unresolved support cases on this. Furthermore, my colleagues that are also RC Partners have this problem.

3 replies

Hey Kevin, I just tested this on my iPhone and contacts show up on a locked screen :/

What iOS version are you on? What version of the RC Phone app are you on? 
I was just about to post about the same issue when I saw this thread.  I also get completely inconsistent caller ID - sometimes the names show & sometimes they don't.  Earlier this morning I was using my phone (not locked/asleep) when a call came in showing just the number. 

I didn't answer it at the time because I was in the middle of something else.  I later checked the caller ID history in the Ring Central App and it correctly matched to one of my contacts, showing their name. 

Now just 2 minutes ago the phone was asleep/locked and a call came in and it correctly showed the number and name.  I'm on iOS 12.1.4.  So in both instances these were numbers that were tied to contacts on my phone.  I initially thought it was linked to the phone being locked, but that's not the case - it just sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
Hmm...I'm on the same OS. I would definitely suggest opening a case so our Support Team can look into it :)
