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Lines usage and reports on busy signals

  • 13 April 2016
  • 4 replies

Is there a way to monitor how many lines are in use and whether a customer would have received a busy signal? We have added a few new employees and suddenly we have customers indicating they are getting a busy signal when calling us. Previously we handled all calls through a couple of VoIP phones but we've recently started using desktop/smartphone apps.

I don't know if this is a configuration issue, if calls are being forwarded (thus tying up an incoming and outgoing line) or something else that would account for this. It would be nice to graph how many of our lines were in use during a time period.

My assumption is that an extension to extension call shouldn't use one of the main lines, right? Up until now, everyone was in the same office so we chatted in person. Now with two locations there are many internal communications being done between extensions.



4 replies

Hello Ed,

Callers should never hear a busy signal on your system. If they are hearing a busy signal that usually points to a routing problem. If you ported number in from another carrier sometimes old translations can get stuck and certain people won't get through because their carrier is trying to send them to where the number used to be rather than where it is on RingCentral.

Even if all the available lines on a phone were tied up the call should just go to the voicemail box of the extension the person was trying to call. When things are working correctly your customers would never hear a busy signal.

To address any routing issues causing busy tones, it would probably be best to open a support ticket so that we can get call samples and investigate the issue.
We are experiencing the same problem with busy signals.  Please open a case.
I'm seeing the same issue, and the numbers were never ported and are NOT forwarded.

Agreed, you should not get busy signals.  Is the number callers are hearing busy signal from ported to RingCentral or just forwarded to RingCentral?  If forwarded, it could explain it because often the call forward from the other provider will only allow a limited number of calls to forward at a time.  Sometimes just one at a time.
