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Outbound Caller ID

  • 2 October 2019
  • 4 replies

We are a Canadian account that has just signed up and are experiencing issues with the location showing up on the outbound caller ID which is not correct. We have set our custom caller ID to reflect our company name but underneath it shows up the location where our numbers are from which is Victoria and our office is located in Armstrong, 600 km away.

We have had numerous customers question when they see Victoria come up on their caller ID and it is important to us that they do not get confused but rather see only the company ID, not location unless we are able to edit it to our local town.

THANK YOU for your consideration and if there is anything you can do to change this would be Appreciated!

4 replies

I'm not sure this is fixable - you might need to switch to numbers located in Armstrong, rather than using Victoria numbers. Is that possible?
No it's not at this point and when we chose the numbers it did not give us the option for Armstrong numbers.
There won't likely be numbers available for every very specific area - we have a customer in Armstrong and I know there's not a lot of number choice there. You may be able to select a closer community than Victoria. Otherwise, maybe get a number through Telus as your main company number, as that should be local, then port it in to RC?
Hey Titus, you can read more about Caller ID in Canada here. Sometimes not all carriers update correctly or on a regular basis :(
