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Outbound Text being Marked as SPAM so RC will not allow it to send

  • 19 June 2023
  • 1 reply

We are TCR registered to be able to send text messages, when applying for our brand we submitted specific use cases to be able to send text messages containing a URL so our business partners can log their location with us.

Recently RingCentral has blocked these from going out, originally stating URL shortner was not compliant but we are not using a shortner. It turns our RingCentral is marking these as SPAM and will not send out. Has anyone else experienced this issue where RC blocks outbound text? Does anyone have any experience with having ring central "whitelist" these text so they send? Its frustrating as we spend 6 months getting TCR approved only to have this happen.

1 reply

Userlevel 4

Hi @Michael Glause I contacted the Escalation Team rep who is currently handling your case. You'll hear back from them as soon as possible.
