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  • 23 June 2020
  • 3 replies

I'm using MY PHONE. Not one supplied by my employer. I have zero interest in the app having access to my dialer, contacts, or texts. VOIP (whether cell or wifi data) should be able to provide a self-contained system to do that without interfering or needing access to my contacts, my text messages in the native or other apps.

If it is WORK communication it should reside in the app, or my work CRM, not in my phone.

When I installed the new Ring Central it absolutely interfered with texts SELECTIVELY!! IT prevented my sending my own email to my friend inside a text in my Google Messenger app on a Samsung Galaxy S8...thus it was examining my outgoing texts and interfering with them. I have proof of this from screen shots where what I sent wasn't received. As soon as I uninstalled the RC App it functioned normally. Obviously, that doesn't bode well for confidence in an app, or the company behind it. Once you break trust, it is hard to recapture.

I've noticed no such problem with RC Phone - but again, who would know what data it is gathering with broad permissions. Now RC Phone is being discontinued, and I'm not interested in installing the RC app...

I want a stand alone, self contained VOIP app (like many on the app store) that doesn't need access to any other part of my phone than the data to support the features. Period, end of story. I shouldn't have to buy a separate work phone to keep work separate.

3 replies

Hi Mark, 

We've reached out to your customer success manager, David, to connect with you on this. 
haven't heard from David.  Looking forward to it.  Thanks
this was treated as a "feature request".

Running a VOIP app on my personal phone is an advantage to my employer not buying me a dedicated work phone.

Expecting privacy and separation of work and personal contacts is a minimal expectation.

The app clearly overstepped it's bounds.  Broken the sacred bond of interfering with my personal outgoing messages by suppressing my personal email.

This is WAY MORE THAN A FEATURE REQUEST.  Now that you're discontinuing Ring Central Phone and herding people into your new app you leave people little choice between nothing and an inherently flawed option.

