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sending sms through glip

  • 30 July 2019
  • 4 replies

I need to be able to send SMS messages to customers (numbers not in our contact directory) using the Glip mobile app and the Glip desktop app.

I have found this:

which says that I can do it through the phone app - but we use the Glip App not the Phone App (which I believe you are supposed to be integrating and removing the old phone app?)

How do I do this? And can I select which of the company numbers the message is sent from?

UK account, 200 users.

4 replies

Hey Julie! Simply tap/click the + button :) You'll see a drop down for different actions, including sending a text (as long as you have SMS enabled).
So it looks as though we don't have sms enabled - do I speak to my success manager about that?
Yep! You'll want to chat with your account manager about it :)
So apparently sending SMS isn't available in the UK!
We can message internal users (Glip, surely) but not send a message to external customers.
When is this going to be available in the UK?

Ring Central is feeling less and less like a unified comms solution - we have users having to use their mobile for SMS and ringcentral for calls which in reality is never going to happen - they will continue to use their mobile for everything.
In addition, the fact that training materials include the functionality only makes it more confusing.

Hoping for an update and explanation soon!
