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Transferring a call but then speaking with both parties before hanging up

I often have to transfer a call to a different party but speak with both parties before disconnecting. Example:

Party A calls in to speak with Party B. I call Party B to make sure they're available, then I want to speak with Party A AND Party B ("Hi Party A, you're now on the line with Party B") and then hang up. I can accomplish this using the conference feature on the desktop phone (Polycom VVX 310) but not with the RingCentral App. If I use the conference feature on the RingCentral App, connect the callers, and then hang up, it disconnects everyone.

Is there an easier, better way to accomplish this?

5 replies

Have you tried using the PARK feature?
Hi Sarah, RC is developing a solution that does this and more. It's actually their conferencing feature you already have. RC is adding the ability to see who is on the conference bridge and give the user the ability to kick people off the bridge. In your scenario, you can do everything you want to do now with the promote to conference feature. you can also get back into the bridge simply by clicking on the promote to conference button again. My company is a BIG user of the Conferencing and we do exactly what you are describing day in and day out. It's called the Boss/Admin features that RC is working on. if you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. 
Where is the "Promote to conference" Button?
Userlevel 3
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Amanda, this Knowledge Base article may help!
But if not, let us know and we'll dig a bit further. 

Hey Sarah,

Is Party B within your company? Or are they outside of your company?
