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two mailboxes on one extension or Bilingual voicemail

  • 8 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Is there a way to have two mailboxes on one extension or a bilingual mailbox? ie a caller reaches the voicemail and the greeting says: "To continue this message in French press (we'll say for example) 3. If they press 3 the other mailbox takes over and the French greeting plays and that mailbox takes the message.

My past provider had this set up as does another VoIP provider.

I've been a RC customer for a long time and I am not aware of this being available - but thought it may be worth asking in case it's something someone else has asked about

2 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi @rob.benn-frenette, this feature is currently not available. You may add a feature request at

There may be a way to do something like this.
Here are 2 made up examples:

Create the following:
- a user ext. 301
- an IVR Menu
- 2x message-only-ext. for English and for French

Call flow: Missed calls to ext 301. get forwarded to the IVR menu. IVR menu gives the option to forward to either of the 2 message-only-ext. You'll be able to see the voicemail as an email with an mp3 attachment or alternatively you can configure a "Co-recipient" to the message-only ext. This way all co-recipients will also see the voicemail message on their app/deskphone.

same idea but with call queues.
Call flow: Missed calls to the call queue, get forwarded to "A different extension" (select the IVR menu). The remaining steps are the same as above.
For 2) to work you need to have the option to forward the call from the call queue to a different extension. Lower tier plans only have the option for missed calls to go to the call queue's voicemail,

I can also think of other ways to get something similar set up, but the above seems like most likely scenario one would need. If the above examples don't work for you, you need to provide more info about the call flow you want. (i.e. what happens before the callers get sent to the bilingual voicemail - are they calling a direct number of a user ext., are they calling the company main number, are they calling a call queue, etc. Do you want to avoid using an IVIR menu - this could mean that if the caller doesn't enter any key, they will continue with the default(English?) voicemail greeting.)
