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Unable to add .vcf / vcard files to RC contacts

  • 10 May 2019
  • 7 replies

When I receive a .vcf or vcard file (i.e. someone shares a contact record from their cell phone) via an inbound text message to my RingCentral number, I can't open the file or directly add that contact, without going to a desktop and opening via another software.

For example, with my iphone, if someone sent me a text with a person's contact record (as a .vcf file), I could open the contact record right from the text message application and add the newly received contact record directly to my iphone contacts.

Now, when someone sends that exact same message to me via my RingCentral number, I can't open the file on my phone, can't add it to my RingCentral contacts, or do anything else useful with it until I log into, download the file to my computer, then open via 3rd party application and manually type it into my contact list on RingCentral.

That seems like a major step backward in technology! Am I missing something here? If not, where is the solution on the roadmap? 

7 replies

Hi Talanton_Insurance, 

I reached out to a Glip Engineer, and they advised 
The RC App does not have any extra contact database, so you would not have a place to import the vcard. The RC Phone app technically has a place for contacts but also does not support vcard importation.
How is this a good thing that helps us run better businesses on RC/Glip? Is it on the roadmap for being added?
Would love this feature as well.  If we could import vcards it would make our text message and voicemail message alerts so much easier.  Right now we have to do a massive search in order to figure out who the message is from and who it goes to.
Hi Talanton, Kat - 

We are considering this as we speak. Thanks for your feedback. We will be launching contacts integration with O365 / Google in July of 2020, that might help alleviate your situation, i know it's not the best with the Vcards but it's something else to use your contacts with Glip.

Hope this helps! 

As someone who keeps their contacts in MacOS's Address Book. Not being able to import vCards leaves me to input contacts manually.

Here we are over 2 years later and RingCentral still hasn't added the ability to import Vcards! WTF? What makes RingCentral think I want Google or Microsoft managing my contacts for my RingCentral? C'mon RingCentral! Is this really a big ask? It's 2022!

I also would love this feature. Not having this makes RingCentral less than convenient to use. As it is, I only use it for work.
