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Valcom V-IP-821A

  • 9 April 2019
  • 6 replies

I'm trying to interface an existing Valcom V-2901A Universal Door Answering System with RingCentral. I connected it via a Cisco SPA122, but ended up frying the ATA because I was connecting two FXS ports together. Luckily I didn't damage the V-2901A.

Valcom tech support said that the correct device for this application is their VIP-821A, which provides the FXO port the V-2901A is looking for and interfaces that to SIP. I've purchased one but am having trouble getting it registered on RingCentral. I added it as an existing device and got the SIP settings required by RingCentral, but the Valcom uses different terminology and has additional settings that aren't mentioned by RingCentral.

The SIP settings that can be configured for the Valcom are:

Phone number -- I think this is the RingCentral SIP User name

Authentication Name -- I think this is the RingCentral SIP Authorization ID

Secret -- I think this is the RingCentral SIP Password

Realm -- I've tried leaving this blank, the RingCentral SIP Domain. and my internal domain

Primary SIP Server (name and port) -- this must be the RingCentral SIP server & port

Register (check box) -- I assume this should be checked

DNS SRV (check box) -- if I uncheck it, spaces for three additional SIP servers appear)

outbound proxy & port -- this must be the RingCentral SIP outbound server & port

RTP port -- no idea

Idle Timeout (secs) -- defaults to 0. I tried it at 40, still doesn't register

Max Call Timer (secs)

CID number -- no idea

CID Name -- no idea

Auto Destination - no idea

The network settings look pretty straightforward but one I'm not sure about is SIP SDP NAT -- a text box which is empty by default. I assume that NAT should be off so empty is appropriate.

Has anyone successfully connected this Valcom device or another Valcom SIP device to RingCentral & could offer configuration advice?


6 replies

Where you able to figure this out? I have the exact same setup and am in the middle of transferring my old system to RingCentral
Were any of you guys able to figure this out ? Ran into a similar issue getting a page IP to register correctly.
I was finally able to get this set up. The key is the Valcom VIP 821a device needs to be configured onto a full featured line ( and not a limited extension like I was attempting to do). I configured mine with a user extension of 22.

Here are my settings:

Phone Number  -- RingCentral SIP User name
Authentication Name -- RingCentral SIP Authorization ID
Secret --  RingCentral SIP Password
Realm -- Leave Blank
Primary SIP Server --
Port 5060
Register (check box) -- this must be checked
DNS SRV (check box) -- this must be unchecked
Outbound Proxy & Port -- RingCentral SIP outbound server & port - I set to
RTP port -- Leave at default, was 20000 for me
Idle Timeout (secs) -- defaults to 0, leave it there.
Max Call Timer (secs) -- I set to 30.
CID number -- This needs to be the extension of the device that you are configuring, mine is set to 22
CID Name -- Name of the Caller ID you want to appear. Mine is set to just Door
Auto Destination - This is the extension the device will auto dial when the call button on the door is pressed. I had to set up another user, I assigned it extension 522. Then I disabled all the Screening, Greeting & Hold Music options. Next, under Call Handling & Forwarding, I added 2 call forwarding phones and chose the extensions I wanted to ring. I changed Incoming Calls Forward In this Order from Sequentially to Simultaneously and then selected the check box next to the two extensions/numbers and created a Ring Group. I have different extensions/numbers set for User Hours and After Hours.

Also some configuration settings in the VIP configuration tool to note: I set the Relay Function under the Relays tab to Follow Input. and configured the CID Number to 22 (that's the configured device extension number), and the CID Name to Door in the Channels tab. nothing else. 

I hope this helps someone as I pulled my hair out for 2 months trying to figure this all out. It's not 100% perfect but its 99% for me.

Feel free to reach out if you would like to compare/need more help.
We are trying to get this setup right now, but it seems that RingCentral support is not familiar with this setup. It doesn't seem to be working for us.
Can you share your config? Also, I found that a bad Ethernet cable can cause major issues. Try swapping cables and ports. I would also recommend you ensure you are running the latest firmware. I had to contact Valcom support to get it.
The Valcom Adapter we had used an old version system which we purchased on Amazon and unfortunately you can't reset the programming. I had to return the adapter VIP-822A to Valcom so they can reset it and send it back. Beware if you buy a Valcom adapter make sure it can be reset manually by you or you might be locked after setting programming. 
