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We want to share contacts to all company users

  • 12 August 2020
  • 16 replies

Our users add contacts to the phone app but it would be very helpful to share these as they are our customers details. Like a Global address list

16 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi Clint,

Thank you for submitting your idea. As of now, this is currently being considered by our Product Team. We will update you soon once this is available.

Agree 100%. A global/shared contact list would be extremely beneficial! Thanks

Please please PLEASE!! We just got out phones and there is no way to find the time to manually enter all of our companies contacts to three phones(or more if we get more employees)! Contacts should be able to be added from the admin portal or just the desktop app and send them to ALL phones! Please!!

We absolutely need a shared contact list!

Cannot believe such a basic feature is missing, it's not even something I considered checking before signing up.. I wonder how other vendors manage this function

Yes! Please add this!

We need this too ! Shocked to find out such a basic function is missing (and is not even available as an add-on!)

Userlevel 4

Hi Everyone, please vote for this feature in our Ideas Portal. Go to

This is basics of phone system which has been completely overlooked

Crazy that this isn't available

Hi @clint-tate , @Autumn Ryder, @Scott Bates , @patrick-fitzgerald1 , @Haley Simon , @Gina Jones

Maybe this support article to share contacts across ring central users may help you.

But it requires that all users have a Gmail / Google Workspace / G Suite account.

@Mary-Community_Moderator & @Becky-Community_Manager , can we have a chat some time to introduce our integration between Shared Contacts and RingCentral?

nearly 500 votes and 6 years on from the original request and still this request falls on deaf ears - Sorry but I am not sure that you have any intention of ever delivering this facility for your customers and also I think you are probably the only VOIP platform in the world without a centralised contacts directory.

I cannot believe this isn't a feature yet... Is there any update on the timeline of this feature? It seems so incredibly simple and basic and the fact that people have been asking for this for years without any kind of resolution is really disappointing. I expected a lot more from RingCentral, I suppose I will start searching for a new phone service for our company if Ring Central isn't going to implement this anytime soon.

According to the moderator, this feature has been "being considered by [your] Product Team" since August 12, 2020 -- it is now October 31, 2022... This feature would be very useful. I have used about 5 different VPBX systems (at various companies) since 2015 and this has been a par-level feature of them all... since 2015... Any update on this feature?

@Mary-Community_Moderator Is there any update on the ability to share contacts with users working on the same team? This would be such a valuable addition for us, your clients, as well as a great selling point for RingCentral. 

Userlevel 4

@Mary-Community_Moderator Is there any update on the ability to share contacts with users working on the same team? This would be such a valuable addition for us, your clients, as well as a great selling point for RingCentral. 


We have yet to hear back from the Product Team on when it will be available. I updated the link to the feature request above so that you can vote and know once it’s available. 

In addition, we are inviting you to our upcoming webinar, “What’s New in RingEx, July 2024,” which will be held on July 18. For more information and to register, please click HERE.
