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Will presence and status set in RingCentral (mobile or desktop) sync with the RingCentral Phone desktop app? Seems not to now.

  • 13 August 2019
  • 2 replies

During this period with only the desktop RingCentral Phone app, will presence and status set in RingCentral (mobile or desktop) sync with the RingCentral Phone desktop app? I'm forced to use the RingCentral mobile app while the office is using RingCentral Phone on our desktops (much better interface with the HUD than the desktop RingCentral app has for our needs, frustrated by its retirement), and it seems the two different apps don't communicate.

2 replies

Hi Matthew, my understanding is the presence issues will be sorted soon. Also, if you're in need of an Attendant Console, you can try our Bridge Operator Console. It's available in the App Gallery and provides similar features to the HUD but in a more intuitive and user-friendly way. It also has many additional features to help manage multiple calls more efficiently. You can try it out for 30 days at no costs by launching from the app gallery here:
On RC Phone desktop we keep the busy presence (red dot) and do not disturb presence (red dot with white dash) in sync between the apps, primarily for telephony use cases.

On the messaging cases - we recommend you use the RC unified app.  We do not plan to build any more messaging features into RC Phone desktop in the future.  Instead we are working on bringing all the things you love about the phone app to the new unified app over time so you can all use the same app in the future :)

Take care,
