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Our 0800 numbers have been since Wednesday, reported on Thursday and still down. They say they are working on it with their carrier down the line, but they can not give me a timescale, i asked what SLA they had with their carrier & they didnt know.

So we are losing lots of money as we cannot receive these calls.

Any ideas on how i esculate this?



Hi Ashley, I will help you update the case from the Tier 2 team to resolve it as soon as possible.

HI Mary

What is the SLA with your carrier?

No-body has told me how long this issue can stay in T2 - how long is it?


So the same issue occured Tuesday and its now over 48hrs since reporting and we are still without are 0800 numbers!

Just spoke to someone as my case owener in T2 Geraldine is "probably on her day off" so it appears that nobody else can help me and update me on what progress if any has been made.

Its an absolute joke that it took 7 days to resolve this last week and we are now already 48hrs into the same issue again - surely someone can review what you did to correct it last time?

If its with your downstream carrier whats your SLA with them, cant believe its 7 days!?

In this day an age 24 hrs is too long

The offer of 2 weeks rental ie £32 for the first 2 weeks is laughable.

Please please please sort it out, we are losing money and our reputation!!

