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With the new "unified" RC client app, the ability to post a code "snippet" is gone. (I'm not talking about the

option - that is different.)

With the old client, you could press Cmd-Shift-S (I think) to bring up a window where you could paste text into, and it would then be posted as a "snippet" without formatting.

This option seems to be gone now. We need a way to post text in RC without it trying to "interpret" the text and formatting it.

works for some things, but Snippet was better in many cases.

The new app is missing many many of the useful features.  Classic still has it.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE add the Snippet feature back to the Message Chat!!!!

I agree, this is a huge missing feature from the new app. Please revive some sort of code snippet feature.

Hello everyone,

I've confirmed with our product team that this is coming at the end of Q4. Keep an eye out in December!

Any update on getting the "New Snippet" back on the new RingCentral?

This feature is now live, make sure you're on the latest version of the app!

Thank you for letting us know. I have installed the update it appears to be working great! Please let everyone involved know that my team greatly appreciates this feature being brought back!
