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Best way to deal with fax numbers when users are disabled?

  • 30 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi there, 


I was wondering if anyone knew the best way to deal with faxes when users leave the company? We usually disable the account but there are providers that might fax a departed employee’s number and receive an error. Wondering what the best path would be to get the provider to automatically fax forward to our main line instead or has anyone else set up some system they want to share? 

Boosting @jackson-1’s query here. Does anyone have some advice to share? 😀

Hi Jackson,

We set up our faxes by department rather than to a specific person.  This way as staff comes/goes - the fax number stays consistent for providers. (we have 20+ fax lines)

We also set up these fax numbers with a distribution group email - again, add/subtract to the Group - but the emails keep flowing...

That makes sense?

We also (also) set staffs RC outgoing fax number via a Template to the INCOMING fax number - so that should they fax out from RC, the reply faxes come to the group for processing.

Now, if you have an Exchange environment I suggest you do a Google and check out CodeTwo for Exchange.  Fantastic add-on to our server, as we have stripping the fax attachements and saving it to a network drive/folder - then it sends a tiny 7k email to the Group saying ‘You have a Fax!’  This saves a LOT of Exchange space as the 20-30Meg attachments are not being sent to 15-20 people. (when only 1 or 2 need to see it)

Let me know if you need any deeper details on setting this upor if you have any quesitons.

Have fun.



Thanks for that Joe. We are a healthcare company and our employees work individually with each client but I think we have groups within our employees and can use that as a “department...”

Jackson...we also have a healthcare division and for patient care I strive to keep phone numbers active when staff departs, and then re-use the same numbers when new staff comes along. 
Typically, when someone leaves I keep their account active and do a few things: Change the name in the greeting, break the email address in the account by adding XXXX to the domain name, and forward all calls somewhere else. Maybe to a supervisor, or a department queue, or someone handling the departed staffer’s clients/patients. 
When a new staff backfills an empty position I delete that old account and then re-create it using the same DID/extension, settings, and desk phone, if any. 

Note: we use the same strategy Joe Cache described for faxes. 

Our big problem with faxes is the over-aggressive blocking RC uses, which often catches regional provider’s fax lines. 😐   It’s been better last month, we believe, but can’t tell. 
