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When registering for The Campaign Registry, it was clear that, even with conversational texting, we need to provide a way to opt out of texting. If someone opts out of conversational texting, there appears to be no way to block the texting feature on a number without blocking the calling as well. Does anyone have any insight here?

Hi Cassie - thanks for raising. Unfortunately, no answer, only to add that; as we're just getting started with conversational texting coming out of our campaign approval, we have similar questions.

I'm hopeful someone can point to a more complete set of documentation regarding the workflow and mgmt around (all) opt-out situations. Is there any better guidance beyond the separate pieces of knowledgebase topics - like an admin guide? Many thanks all.


Hello @Cassie Wood-Triplett

You are correct that no matter what kind of TCR registration it is, conversational, automated or mixed, there needs to be a way to provide recipients an ability to opt out. As of now, we at RingCentral don't have a solution to do opt out management, so it's senders responsibility to keep their opt out list updated and avoid sending texts to opted out recipients.

Having said that we are working on a solution where RingCentral will make this process simpler, and even help blocking outbound SMS to opted out recipients. It's on our roadmap, and will be planned and announced soon.


Gurpreet Singh

PM, RingCentral Platform Products
