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Is there a way to bypass the company greet so a caller can go directly into the queue? We have a rather long greeting due to some recent changes and the we get the same callers. One caller mentioned how they would like to bypass the greeting to go into the queue.

You want to do this for a specific caller? Or for all callers? You can use call rules to achieve this. 

Phone System > Auto Receptionist > IVR > Custom Rules

Set a rule to have all callers (or specific ones if you want) bypass the IVR. I have ours set to bypass the IVR during specific hours of the day and then default back to it the rest of the time - using these rules. It has worked well for years. 
Maybe you could setup a "secret" option that goes to your call queue, but you don't say it in the greeting announcement?  This way new callers would hear the options that I assume you want them to hear, but you can start telling regular callers to press something to get to the queue faster.
This is what I am trying to set up Brandon but don't know how.
