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when on a call using RC app (I use iPhone xs max) and phones switches between wifi and cellular (both ways) the call terminates and tries to recover but never successful.

Hi Nailian, thank you for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience.

To help us figure out the root cause, could you pls send us the feedback when you meet this issue next time?

Here is how to send the feedback:
  1.  Reproduce this issue
  2.  Go to "Help" >> "Report Issue"
  3.  Enter the issue description and the time when the issue happens.
  4. Tap "Send"
Once receiving the feedback, our dev will look into it.

Best Regards!

Hi Nailian,

I test RingCentral app on the same device iPhone xs max(OS12.2), but fail to reproduce it

1. Call in progress in WiFi
2. Walk to somewhere the wifi is lost, but 4G still on
3. Walk back to the place where the wifi is back

Actul result:
Step2: call is reconnected, call parties can hear each other
Step3: call is reconnected, call parties can hear each other

is this the same scenario you ran into? could you tell which carrier you are using? Looking forward to your response

Best regards

Yes this is the exact scenario.

I have AT&T.
