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We have a person out on maternity leave for several months. Her manager wanted her calls forwarded to a coworker. What we discovered is that only when the coworker is logged in and able to answer the phone are the calls forwarded, if not, the calls revert back to the voicemail of the person on maternity leave. I do not understand this. If the person is out why would the call go back to their voicemail, it should go the coworkers voicemail where the calls are being forwarded to, as though the caller called the coworker directly.

We also discovered that if the coworker is using the Glip phone, calls cannot be forwarded because the Glip phone is not considered a true end point, per RingCentral Technical Support. I don't understand this either why am able to call the coworker on their Glip phone but I cannot forward calls to them on their Glip phone?

Yes that makes sense.  Not sure why the 2 are separate.
i just created a doc on this yesterday for our team.  It is a little unique how you have to set it up.  What we do in addition to forwarding the phone in the advanced rule is change the Mailbox Recipient to the temp user.  That way they get the messages in their vm box, but the original user that is out of office still gets the email notifications (if setup).  This can be helpful for catching up when they come back to work.   Good luck!

Hey Fitzpatrick, our Product Team is working on making the RC (Glip) app a true endpoint so that this sort of thing isn't an issue. I don't know when it is scheduled for release but I'm keeping an eye out for it! 
I am glad to hear that.
Yes it would be really nice to have a separate forwarding option in advanced rules for this scenario.  And ideally calls would be forwarded to the apps that aren't considered endpoints.  Time for a feature request.  If enough people want it, RingCentral will eventually make it happen.

Almost 3 years later and this is still not an end point, and now the new desktop app is not a true end point either. The RC Phone app for desktop could be added as an endpoint but not the new app.
