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  • 1 March 2019
  • 6 replies

First I must say that I have been using ring-central for 10 years. For some reason, for about 3 days, the call log does not allow me to see directly on the same screen, the data that I have added before of my clients.

Example: * John Smith called me a month ago to make an order for my products. At that time I added to the phone number of John Smith data such as:

- Address

- Age

- Price of the product

- Date - And also to each client is added in the "notes" any aspect that is relevant so that our sales group can follow up.

In this way I did it for 10 years, without any problem.

continue the example:

Now, 3 months after the Mr. John Smith made his purchase, calls again to buy again, but this time another product, ... here comes the big PROBLEM; then when I want to see my client's data in the call log, I simply can not see since the data does not exist.

Previously, just placing the mouse in the name (which had already been added before) and pushing automatically opened a window on the same screen and in that window you could read all the records of Mr. John Smith. NOW THAT UNFORTUNATELY DOES NOT OCCUR.

To see the results of Mr. John Smith, I have to go to contacts, enter name and / or phone number and that way I can read the results that have been added previously.

It seems that it is a matter of lazy people, but the reality is that we have thousands of clients with the same name and it becomes really inoperative in this way.

Another problem that came linked to this:

It is impossible to add the names and that for me is the most effective tool, that when placing the publicity the calls that enter the system must have a name to be able to do their due follow-up.

Please, if someone can help me with this, and please I hope you can understand me because my English is extremely limited.

I have tried to transmit to the people who answer me by phone what the problem is, but unfortunately I did not know how to explain or perhaps they do not know what I am talking about.

Thank you

Sandra Reyes

I have found the same problem and would also like an answer...Ring Central are you listening and monitoring these comments???
Hey Sandra, I actually followed up with our Product Team about this yesterday. Still waiting for a response. In order to keep things nice and tidy, I'm going to keep this thread active and retire the other one you posted :)

"De hecho, segu con nuestro equipo de productos sobre esto ayer. An esperando una respuesta. Con el fin de mantener las cosas bonitas y ordenadas, voy a mantener este hilo activo y retirar el otro que publicaste 🙂 "

Hi, I really do not understand why they delete the comments or the problems that the user is expressing. If you were so efficient in solving the problems, as well as "erasing" comments, I guarantee that it would be a long time ago. Why stopping at nonsense?, what I need is for them to really work on trying to solve the big problem that I have.

I enter the chat seeking help to this problem, I am paying for my monthly service almost $ 200 and I have more than 10 days with this problem and NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY, has been able to help me.
Today someone very kind in the chat tells me that it is a problem of engineering, that when they have an answer, they will let me know. And meanwhile what do I do, pay for a service that does not work?

Hi Sandra, I'm sorry for the frustration. Our Product Team got back to me and they are aware of the issue and working towards getting it fixed. I'll post more updates on an ETA when that information becomes available
Hi Sandra, like I mentioned earlier, I noticed you posted a new thread with the exact same information as this thread. In order to avoid duplication, I simply retired the other thread so that I can provide updates on this thread. This was not of malicious intent or anything! Just part of keeping the Community tidy and avoiding duplication :)

I am still awaiting for information about this specific issue that you raised regarding the Call Log. Hopefully the Product Team will get back to me sometime this week 🙂
