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Since the new app was released and we can no longer log into the call queue lines from the new app we have found that we have NO way to access text messages being sent to the call queue. This is a big problem for my business and needs rectified immediately. Has anyone found a work around or a solution to this?


If anyone has figured out how to access their call queue text messages since the new app has come out can you please share? We have nothing but problems with the call queue line since the new app has been released. We can only access the voicemails on this line by going in through the admin portal and call queue management. The app won't allow us to log into call queue any longer. SO FRUSTRATING!!!! We are missing messages bc of this.

Hello @Natasha Harmon! We do apologize for the inconvenience. We are working to improve our product. I created a case here, and we'll have someone to reach you regarding this. Here's your case number 12993696. We appreciate your patience in this matter.

I'm having this same issue. For my company, the purpose of the call queue is to have the ability for all team members assigned to the call queue to be able to respond to all inbound inquiries/questions/etc. This is helpful for us for when one person is off for the day or week, the other team members are there to field inbound communication. With calls, the system works great, but with texts, we are unable to see or respond to them with the call queue's direct line.

How can it be possible to have multiple users respond to text messages that are sent to a single direct line?

Another way of explaining what we need is similar to a Facebook business account: many people are able to access and respond to the business chat. We want the same, for many people to access and respond to the direct line text messages.

EDIT: I submitted a ticket regarding this issue recently, and I was told to create a feature request, which I did. We need this ability sooner rather than later. One workaround we are considering is having a shared user called "Inbound" that everyone logs into and uses, but this is simply not seamless or ideal.

Sadly, we were told that we could send/receive text messages from our marketing phone numbers, which are also set up in call queues to help prevent missing sales leads (our onboarding agent even set these queues up for us). However, not too long after starting our account, we figured out that messages were not going through

It took ~2 weeks with tech support, for them to finally figure out that THIS was the issue, and was why we were not receiving inbound text messages on these numbers. Why is it that this works just fine with other phone services (we just ported from CallRail), but it is not possible here?

Has this issue been rectified? I am having the same issue and have yet to find a workaround on my own. I am a brand new customer and this would be detrimental if it is yet to be fixed!

not sure if the below works, because we don't have SMS, but have you checked in here:
Admin Portal > Top right corner> Call queue management (Highlighted in yellow)
circled in red is where you can switch to a different call queue and view it's settings (and hopefully it's SMS, maybe in the Messages Tab)

