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Call Queue Voicemails

  • 3 September 2020
  • 3 replies

Hi RingCentral, please enable the feature on the new app where the call queues can receive voicemails through the App instead of their work emails.

If that feature can be enabled that will help tremendously helpful for my team. That is one of the main reasons we decided to choose RingCentral for our phone line.

Thank you,

Sheila B.

Hi Sheila, thank you for this. Please share your idea through this link

What is the current status of this request?

This is yet another basic function that should already have been baked into the Desktop App at its release. Who okayed the release of the app without this functionality?

We are now fast approaching three years since this was submitted for review. In the ideas thread, an RC admin claimed it was slated for Summer 2022. That has since come and passed, and the feature is no closer to being available. What's going on?
