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Starting yesterday my users will have their cell phone call dropped if they get a call through the RC app. I opened a case with them, but I can't imagine this is isolated just to my users. My current case number is 09661024. I know one user has an iPhone, not sure about the other. If the user is on an RC call and a call comes into the cell phone, the call isn't dropped. If she is on an RC call and another call comes in, she says the first RC call is dropped, but the tech support guy said the call wasn't. I believe the system just didn't think the call was dropped.

I am having the same issue on my iphone.
Looks to be related to ios 13.1.3.
While the cause of the RingCentral application making the active cell phone calls drop could be related to ios 13.1.3, it most certainly is not ios 13.1.3 as the reason for the calls dropping.  When i remove the RingCentral (R) app from my iphone my calls no longer drop while receiving another call to my RC number (which rings my desk phone, application, and overflows to my celluar by design).  When the RC app is present my calls drop, my conference calls, everything drops.  When i delete the app from my phone i place the same exact same test calls and my calls dont drop.  This is definitely a RingCentral application problem.  My case # is 09685756

This is a major problem and need this fixed immediately!!!

I'm on 13.1.2 and haven't experienced the issue.
James, your app configuration (settings of how your calls reach your cell phone in this case) might not be the same as mine.  I believe it's specifically how we are using the app.  A specific use case/scenario.

I have 13.2 and it is doing it to me as well. Sebastian, it is a ring central issue.
I'm still having the same issue and I had removed the app/added it back. Does anyone have any other suggestions? 
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Active call being dropped when Ring Central call comes in. If I am on a personal call and a call comes in through Ring Central, my calls are getting dropped. an yone having this issue? Is there a fix?
over a month ago I deleted the meetings app and only downloaded the Ring Central "R" app.  This did not solve my problem.  I was also on the latest IOS version.  I was dropping calls again yesterday.  If I have a call on the ring app and I receive another call, no problem, but if I have an active call on my cell phone directly, the incoming Ring call kills my active call and drops my incoming call as well and I no longer have either call.  Then I can't call back because they will try to call me again and kill my call again. very frustrating!!!!
I am having this issue as well. I only have the RingCentral "R" app. When on a cellular call, the call will be dropped if an RC call comes through. Notably, I do not get any notification that an RC call is coming through. I only figure that out when I get a missed call notification. 

I will be installing iOS 13.3 to see if this makes a difference. 
Having the same issue - deleted RC Phone to see if that will work
Still happening on 13.3
Its happening to me too. I had to delete my RingCentral application. Im about to ask for 3 months refund.
If you're still experiencing this, please open a case with support: 

I've completed deleted the RingCentral app from my phone.  I no longer am having issues.  Happy New Year. 
I with that RC would reply with a fix.
This is a 6-month old thread -- tens of thousands of calls have probably dropped due to this issue among RC users and myself (as this occurs to my phone 5+ times daily). When the call is dropped, you can't even call back the number that was incoming because it doesn't appear -- so you just have to pray they call again. Where is the solution! This is hurting my business!
