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Hope someone can help.

We have followed the setup instructions for the ATA192, we can make outbound calls with no issues. We can receive 1 call, but cannot receive another call for around 10-15 minutes. The line goes straight to voicemail, the line status on the ATA GUI page is showing the line is not active. It just seems it is not sending the disconnect message on incoming calls telling RingCentral the incoming call is complete. We can make an outbound call and receive a call afterwards, which is the strange issue.

I've also found these errors in the logs, I believe it has something to do with the BYE message:

ATA192-MPP local1.err vsock: RTP_LIB: librtp_wait_for_rtcpbyemsg():548: librtp_wait_for_rtcpbyemsg Failed to recv RTCP BYE from CSS and time out happened

Not using CUCM or MPP sotfware.

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