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I just set up my voicemail boxes with several "message only extension" group mailboxes with custom greetings which are accessible from the main company greeting (which is also a custom greeting--caller presses "1", "2", or "3", etc.). There is a long delay between the caller selecting one of the extensions and when that extension's greeting plays. It is almost 10 seconds, which seems unusually long to me.

Is there any way to shorten that delay?

Hi @Mark Markus, is the extension's greeting customized?

The issue can be because of how the greeting was recorded. Please try to have the extension re-record the custom greeting. Here's a KB article on uploading or customizing an extension's voicemail greeting.

That's not it. I recorded all the greetings and edited them with a .wav file editor so that there is no space in front of the greeting.

I figured it out. It was the file size I was uploading. Changed it to an mp3 and now it works fine. Thanks!

Thanks for letting us know how your issue was fixed.
