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Account type (U.S., Canada, UK, AT&T, Telus, BT): USA

Detailed description of problem:

Is it just me or does anyone else experience recurring tasks that randomly stop recurring, or...skip to an incorrect, seemingly arbitrary date after it's checked off (e.g. a weekly task that skips to a random day the following month?)

This doesn't happen to all recurring tasks, but it's happened enough times over the last two years since I've been using Glip to be a problem. I've actually neglected critical tasks because of this recurring issue.


To have reliable recurring tasks, so that work actually gets done.

Previous troubleshooting steps taken:

It's hard to replicate and troubleshoot this problem, as it seems very inconsistent...but generally speaking, it seems to affect tasks that have had their due date edited from its original.

Software version: 18.05.10

Number of Users and/or Digital Lines affected: 1?

Hey Timm,

This is a known issue that we are currently working on getting fixed! If you would like, you can open a case and reference JIRA GLIP-11134. That way, once a fix does get put into place, you should receive an email
