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What is the difference between Enhanced Business SMS vs High Volume SMS Beta? I want to be able to send mass promotional text once/ month to my customers. What should I use?/ Do both require campaigns or messages to be approved by TCR? I did a test campaign a month ago and it still has not been approved. Seems like it defeats the purpose of sending a text if you have to wait over 1 month to see if you can send. Pls advise thank you!

@golfcave- The main difference is that with High Volume SMS, you can access batch API ( and HVSMS also manages Opt out list for the customer. However, HV SMS doesn't support MMS or access via MVP app.

Having said that, most of our customers use cases can be full-filled by Enhanced Business SMS, which is our standard solution. Also, in near future we are planning to bring HV SMS to Enhanced Business SMS, and just have one SMS solution with all features.

So my suggestion is that if you need access to batch SMS API or have to send >50K SMSes per day, then use High Volume SMS.

Other wise use Enhanced business SMS, and you can use MVP App( for conversations, for sending SMS campaigns and EB SMS APIs( for any API based integrations.


Gurpreet Singh

GPM, RingCentral Inc.
