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We have been experiencing issues with RC for the past 2 days - on the desktop app, outgoing messages are hit or miss on sending and it says "Calls Only." On the cellular App, it says "VoIP calling only" and is spotting with sending and receiving messages - anyone else experiencing this, and have a solution?
Thank you for your reply! I have checked the network and followed all other steps and issue is still the same. Main problem is that it's not letting me send messages from the desktop app - see attached screenshot. 
We are also having issues, I was just on a voice only call and thought we had full HD call the call kept losing each other. and also dropped once. 

Having the same issue for the last 2 days. Put a ticket in with support this morning but have not heard anything yet. Not sure if anyone is getting this, or if it is related but our extensions have also been getting "Login failed, Your connection is not private. The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified. " when they are kicked out. Put a ticket in for that yesterday.

Hello Lydia!

This happens when your network connection is unstable. Please try this troubleshooting steps;

Check network connection
Reboot modem/router.
Uninstall/reinstall the App.

If issue is still the same, please coordinate with our Technical Support to further check.

Thank you!
