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We have a very low monthly volume of SMS messages we receive on our RC business phone number (5 to 10) and we DO NOT send out SMS messages. What monthly or one-time fees will we be charged with the upcoming implementation of this TCR stuff? And do we have to submit a brand application?

Unfortunately, all businesses using SMS regardless of volume or use case are required to register to access SMS.

If you are sending less than 15,000 SMS/mo and less than 2,000 SMS to T-Mobile recipients the fees would be:

$4 brand fee (one-time, charged by TCR)
$15 campaign vetting fee (one-time, charged by Syniverse)
$1.50 low-volume campaign maintenance (monthly, charged by TCR)

These fees would cover all of your numbers.

If you send more than 15,000 SMS you would need a high-volume campaign that costs ($10/mo). If you send more than 2,000 SMS monthly to T-Mobile recipients, you would need to have additional vetting ($40 one-time) otherwise T-Mobile would block messages over the 2,000 "non-vetted sender" limit.

Here is a more in-depth breakdown of TCR fees. If you have any questions please let me know.
