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I need to forward my RC to another fax number to receive the fax into my electronic medical record(emr).The receiving Fax is also digital. This seems like an easy fix? Thank you

Good luck with that.  We have the same problem getting faxes directly into Athenanet.   RingCentral doesn't have that option.  I am manually forwarding every fax to the Athena number as they come in.  Pretty crappy service.
Damn. This is not going to work for me. I tried the whole "email" thing and that doesn't work either. Not sure why this can't happen if both numbers are digital fax. ??
Hello Doctor:

RingCentral is VOIP service which is actually different from a digital line - in any case, for integration with an EMR you will have better luck getting a dedicated line through a provider such as eFax or Faxage. You can port your number to them if it's already widely known and in use.

That said- depending on your setup you should not need to manually forward each fax, you can set up a dummy user with appropriate call handling to forward the number to an external line. You may need to adjust settings on the line to designate it as a fax? I would get in contact with support and/or your account manager to troubleshoot your setup.
If I could sign documents that are faxed to me in RC fax, it would not be as much of an issue. Any ideas?
Dr. Norcross, how did you finally resolve this issue.  We go live with AthenaNet 7/1 and I really don't want to have to get an ATT line installed at the office for this one thing.

Unfortunately, It has not been resolved. Very Frustrating. 

Yes havign same issue with fax
