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I have had three customers using the Flip App instead of the phone app and missed calls.

Once i switched them to the Phone Mobile App, calls were not missed.

Now I read that the phone app is going away at the first of the month.

This is not good. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

I mentioned a couple hiccups with the call handling on apps last week and was informed " it's part of the transition" and that "they've made it known during the process as to when it'll be complete." Soooo be prepared for the keyboard warriors to set you straight. (eye roll)
I'm in agreement.  Not just from functionality and stability but from UI it just isn't ready or efficient.  Especially for our clients that don't use Glip at all.  Many use different tools like Teams/Slack, etc and I find it difficult to explain to them why the are being made to use their phone amidst all of the other noise in this app.  

RingCentral, please hear us.  We are in favor of the unification process and the direction of it all, but don't take tools away from clients unless the replacements are fully ready and vetted by your core community members.  
Wait...what? The Phone App is going away???
I just remember getting an email like 6 months ago that the apps were swapping and there was a date and I recall it being rather close so I had to have my account manager call my customer to make sure they were as informed as possible on the switch. I don't remember anything being said about these apps taking time into 2020 to be done. It's become too hard to try and keep up with these timelines and what feel like moving goal posts. I can't keep reading every single newsletter I get from ringcentral about updates and whats new, when more often than not it's telling me how much more money I can make if I sell contact center. It's become too frustrating and tiresome at this point to try and keep up.
The last email i received said it is Nov 1. 1919 !!!!!
Hey Chris, I know it can be frustrating to keep tabs on these new changes, but we're here to help! :)

Our customers received emails about the migration to the new mobile app at different times throughout the year - to give people ample time to prepare. So the date you received for one client may have been different for another client. Just like our releases, we communicated the change in sections.

I think some people did get confused about this affecting the desktop app, too. But, again, that's not the case. We're going to finish retiring the RC Phone Mobile app by the end of this year. Next step is to for the Product Team to work on the desktop app next year. 
Sorry for the confusion, so once the RC Phone App is gone, will the Ring Central app still support the mobile phone function the Phone App provided? We use the phone app for service support of our clients, and it allows me to use it on my personal phone for work, to separate my business side from my real world side, instead of having to carry two phones around.
RingCental.  Please hear your users and don't retire the RC Phone App tomorrow!  The Glip/RingCentral app isn't ready. I don't want to sound negative as I'm all for unification but it simply isn't ready and we are going to have some very frustrated end users/clients tomorrow if you go throw with this as I imagine will be the case with many others.  
Agree with Andrew, please do NOT phase out the phone app until you have integrated it into RC app.I'm stunned that this should even need to be mentioned here. You will virtually shut down our service business if you pull the plug.
Hey all, you can read more about this transition here. We're working on the Mobile apps right now and will tackle the desktop apps next year.
