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The Glip Meme Generator has not been working for several days now. When attempting to post a meme an error message appears: "Whoops: Sorry, but we couldn't create your meme at this time. Please try again later." The issue appears for multiple user account, but via the Glip native Mac app and the browser UI. My team leverages this feature extensively in our professional communications, and this outage has severely impacted productivity.
(Account type: U.S.)

Hey James, sorry for the frustration. We are aware of this current issue and are working on getting it fixed ASAP. Please open a case so we can tag it with the appropriate JIRA number and you will receive a notification once we have fixed the issue.
Broken again.  Same issue as before.

Hey James, we are aware that the issue has repeated itself and have a fix that is scheduled to be available with the latest release of the application which should take place on July 20th, 2018. On that day I would highly recommend that you update your application and test to ensure everything is working as it should. Thanks!

Hey James, that's odd. Can you please contact Support so we can investigate?
We're running Glip Version: 18.07.3 (E. 2.0.1) and getting the same meme error message.
Hey Otto, unfortunately our Glip team has run into a snag with the meme generator. When I hear more about any type of ETA, I will update this thread!
I agree with James on this. "My team leverages this feature extensively in our professional communications, and this outage has severely impacted productivity."  Love it!
Our meme generator is encountering the same error. I don't know how much longer we can continue to work like this!
any update about this ? guys we are desperate . all the fun at work is gone 

Barring any unforeseeable issues/setbacks, it should be up and running on August 31st!
Hey everyone! Memes are back :) 
It is not working on mine. Any update?
