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has anyone used RC with a satelite connection I have Huges net and was told that the two were compatible and my phone is not coming in clear

  • 27 June 2019
  • 2 replies

has anyone used RC with a satelite connection I have Huges net and was told that the two were compatible and my desk phones are not coming in clear the call is breaking up with static. help!

When on those calls what is your internet speed at?  Also, what else is using the internet connection?  Pc? Cell phone? TV? Apple TV etc.  All of that is sharing your internet speeds.  You can run a test on RC's site -

Based off of those speeds I'd contact support to help you troubleshoot.  Also, turning off wifi on phone, TV, Apple TV etc might help as well. 

Contact, 888-396-5623 for more information.
