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How to limit RC access to local network

  • 5 August 2020
  • 2 replies

Is there anyway to prevent RC App from connecting to the service unless the user is sitting on our local network?

Basically, we don't want users to access their RC App from any other device (other than company supplied) or outside networks. We are a healthcare operation with very tight security for HIPAA and other alphabet soup compliance.

We develop our own apps that either ping a local IP (private) address to determine they are on our network, others that can detect the equivalent of 'WhatsMyIP' and match result to our public IP. Is there such a facility anywhere with RC?


Hi Ron,

We don't have this option available. We can consolidate your question and forward this to our Product Team if they can consider this. Thanks!

Sure...please forward.

The use-case is to limit the use of the phone system to 'on-prem' equipment, in an attempt to keep "Protected Healthcare Information", for HIPAA compliance, from leaving the confines of our off network access to the phone system (faxes, vm's all potentially contain protected healthcare information).

Limiting phone system access to our network is the only way I can see that happening.

If there is another way, I'm interested.

