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I noticed Germany is no longer on the list of numbers for CONFERENCE CALLS. Are there plans of bring that number back? We need a number there !!!!

Hey Andrea, 

Germany is still listed here:

Hi Jessica,

 Thank you for getting back to me; Is that link the list of numbers for meetings?

 I just checked your website yesterday for CONFERENCE CALL numbers and Germany was not there.

 I check the conference call numbers by clicking on the second icon from the left   (three people sitting around a conference table).  

When I click on that icon, I can call up a list of countries available and Germany is not on that list.

 Please advise as to how to check the list of countries for CONFERENCE CALLS

Thank you.

How do I get to this link on your home page?    I would prefer not to just have a link, since links can change.

When I complete my log on for Ring Central, the link below is where I am taken.

WHAT DO I CLICK ON, OR WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE TO ENSURE I HAVE THE COMPLETE LIST OF CONFERENCE CALL NUMBERS..  Again, since links change. I do not want a link, I want to know where on the "home page" I go to get to the most current CONFERENCE CALL LIST - NOT meeting list.

that's where I am going and Germany is NOT on that list !!!!!   If you click on the little "conference table" with the "three people" sitting around it, and look up the phone numbers, Germany is NOT on that list. 

Can YOU please take a look at this to let me know what you see ?

Thank you.  I appreciate your assistance.

Germany is now BACK on the conference call  list; it was NOT there yesterday.  Thank you.  Now I see that Norway has been removed.  Any word on when that will be reinstated?
