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Identify Cell Phone Users in Ring Central Meetings/Video

  • 28 October 2020
  • 2 replies


This is a feature-add request. My organization wants to be able to identify cell meeting call-ins more quickly by name (not manually changing their name).

All of our call-in people are RingCentral users, so the feature I am requesting would be for RingCentral to check the cellphone number of someone calling in, and if that number has been added to a RC profile, display the name of the person.

Alternatively, if this is too complicated a feature, the ability to go into guest user phone numbers and manually set display names in RC so that when those numbers do call into meetings their name shows would be a good #2 solution.


Hey, @Bryan Ridgell - you can share ideas and feature requests in our Ideas Portal.
You can click HERE to make your way over.

Thanks, Becky, done! I missed the creation of this idea portal.
