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When a client tries to fax us, it goes to voicemail. Is there some setting they should change on their fax machine so it wont go through as a phone call? Faxes from other machines go through ok

Hey INC,

Some of these settings may help the sender:

NOTE: For specific instructions, refer to the fax machines manual or support.

Set the Baud Rate to 7200 bps
Most analog fax machines transmit at 14400bps. Speeds this fast will magnify any latency, jitter or packet loss present.

Make sure that the ECM (Error Correction Management) is turned OFF
ECM analyzes incoming data for corruption, which can increase latency. In some cases, this may compromise image quality.

If available, turn on VoIP Mode
On applicable fax machines, this automatically reduces baud rate and disables ECM.

If VoIP mode is not available, enable Overseas mode (if available)

On applicable fax machines, this automatically reduces baud rate and disables ECM.

New customer: We are a medical equipment office and receive a lot of faxes. Most of the faxes come over great, but we have a couple doctor offices that send us a fax and it goes to voicemail. Does the response from a year ago still apply? I see that our fax numbers are set to voice and fax - should they be fax only?
Thank You!
