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We are trialing 3 lines. 1 company number and 2 additional direct dialed extension numbers. How do we set this up so that when any of the 3 numbers rings, all 3 of the phones ring, and any phone can answer the call? How do we set up the company line as well as the extension numbers?

Mike, looks like you are asking for a complete setup to be explained on this forum.  Not exactly easy.

First, I do not know what type of phones you are using.  If you have 2 direct dial extensions that means you only have 2 phones.

Extensions will need to be created with the phones assigned as a time simultaneously.  This does not always work as people want to be able to transfer calls once they get them or put on hold and pick up somewhere else

I would also ask, what is the end state?  If RC works for you, how many users will be on the system?  This all plays in to the configuration.  Maybe call queues would be best depending on what you want to achieve.

I provide RC consulting services to assist people with their configurations .

Let me know if you have any interest.


Certified Ring Central Installer
Thanks for replying.  You are correct we only have 2 phones.  My bad.  We are trialing a Cisco SPA514G and a Polycom VVX310.  If we do go with RC, we will have 6 phones (users?).

You are correct in that we would like the capability to pick up a call on any phone, place that call on hold and pick it up on another extension, or possibly transfer to it to one of the user's cell phone.


Mike Campbell
Also, if this forum isn't the appropriate place for this, that is fine.  Thanks

We have 3 lines I would like 2 of the line to ring at the same time so that anyone of us can answer the phone.
