Jonathan Sta TeresaWhat do you have in mind? If you want to comment below and provide the following details, we can change this to a feature request so our Product Team can review this. Of course there are no promises, as both Apple and Google prohibit certain things on their systems but it doesn't hurt to submit a feature request for consideration.
To help our Product Team understand your request and assure it gets more consideration, please include the following details in your request: - Account type (U.S., Canada, UK, AT&T, Telus, BT)
- A brief description of the business
- A high level description of the product or feature being requested
- A typical use case scenario explaining how your business would use the feature
- Benefit of such feature
- Include any related case number if applicable
Assuming our iPhone is set to have RC as the default dialer, we want to be able to tell Siri to call John Smith work and have RC launch, locate the contact and make the call.
How is this two years old and we still can't make a call by "Hey Siri, Call 555-555-5555 with RC Phone" ?