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Currently have four businesses in four locations each with a POT (Plain old Telephone) Wanted to start a new business with pickup/delivery and a new number. Wanted that new number to be the only number used when called press 1 for manager, 2 for store 1, 3 for store 3, 7 for hour and location. Can I port my current numbers of each store so they stay at each store? Can I have more than one phone at each store with same phone number like currently do with office & counter? Can I have it where if a customer calls the old store number it will forward to the new main number and then transfer to the appropriate phone? Finally can I have all calls recorded for quality control?

short answer is yes to all of it. :-) 
I'm glad to help.
You will need to set up your IVR, which is very simple. I have the same thing with 3 locations.
Dan, do you have someone to help you work through the details here?

If you want reach out and I could assist

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