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Non-Super Admins Editing IVRs

  • 3 March 2021
  • 4 replies

We have a multi-site account with RC. We have RC admins at sites under our main account that has Phone System access to just their sites. But it seems only those with Super Admin roles can modify IVR's so each Phone System admin is not able to modify IVR's specific to their site. Is there any workaround to give IVR editing permissions to non-Super Admins?

Hello @Jonathan, only Super Admins are given permission for changing settings in IVR.

What types of IVR changes do you want your site admins to be able to perform? If they are simple changes, then you could have a custom API app built that would enable them to do this - depends on the types of changes you want them to do. For example, we enable our site admins to be able to change IVR open/closed hours, turning on/off custom IVR handling rules (for temporary schedule changes), updating one or several IVR prompts so that they can announce changes in business.

Hello. Sorry for not getting back sooner. Looks like we have what we need. When we signed with RC, we did so using the "Standard" license package but with the perks/options of a "Professional" license. We needed to request that RC enable the ability to allow us to manage this via Roles.

Interesting that this can be done via API, never have had to dig that deep.

I need to set up that role today and if it does not pan out, will follow up here on further questions.

Thanks for the feedback and, again, sorry for delayed response. 🙂

When an IVR tree is assigned to a site, it is "assumed" that the site admin can handle his IVR instance. And that is the case with the classical interface. i.e. he can add or delete options.

But when the site admin, for the same IVR instance, try to go through the editor, he is not allowed.

A bit strange situation. One of our customers is puzzled by this behavior. He is handling roughly 100 stores, with an admin per store.
