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Hi all,

I have attempted to discuss this with RingCentral support but haven't gotten very far. I have a PolyCom SoundStation IP 6000 that seems to be stuck in a boot loop due to the RC software on the phone. I have read from another post that the firmware version should resolve this, but my phone is already running that version. This phone has been working perfectly fine for quite some time but has now had this issue for a little over a month.


1) Phone system boots and loads up the main screen

2) After 20-40 seconds the phone will shutdown and reboot and go through the loading process again

3) This continues for as long as the phone is powered on

I have heard this is due to phones being purchased from a third party and not directly through RC. With phones being 1/2 the cost or better elsewhere, is this RC's way of forcing customers to buy through them?

We have an IP 6000 that was bought through RingCentral. Same problem as what you describe and none of the suggested fixes that RC provided worked. Now an expensive brick.

Jake, upon checking your case, it has been closed due to no response from you. Would you please re-submit a new ticket? Open a case here.

I had this same problem with my IP6000's. Initially, RC Support was suggesting we keep try rebooting the device and check the firewall, to no avail.

When RC support worked with us, they ended up having to downgrade the firmware version on the IP6000 and change the TFTP server settings which resolved the issue. I would let you know the firmware and TFTP settings, but I can't find my notes which was a couple of months ago. This was also on a RC supplied device.
